Bank Details Bank: Cashplus. Acc Name: Global Aid Trust Limited. Sort Code: 08-71-99. Acc Number: 06735003.
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Global Aid Trust

Custom Donation

Donation Total: £10.00

Bank Details Bank: Cashplus. Acc Name: Global Aid Trust Limited. Sort Code: 08-71-99. Acc Number: 06735003.
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Donate quickly and securely with Stripe

How it works: A Stripe window will open after you click the 'Donate Now' button where you can securely make your donation. You will then be brought back to this page to view your receipt.

Global Aid Trust

Custom Donation

Donation Total: £10.00

The Messenger ﷺ of Allah (SWT) said, "The Messenger ﷺ of Allah (SWT) said, ‘Whoever constructs a masjid for Allah, Allah will construct a house for him in Paradise."(Bukhari)

With a mix of faith and action, let's come together to build mosques for an empowered and progressive society

As Muslims, we are blessed to have a vast understanding of the significance of a mosque in our community. It is a place of worship, learning, and spiritual growth that helps us connect with one another and attain inner peace. However, it is unfortunate that many of our fellow brothers and sisters in underprivileged countries lack access to this sacred space. Yet, we can make a difference by following the teachings of our great Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) who established the first mosque in Medina.

Mosques serve as community centers and play a vital role in promoting social cohesion and solidarity among Muslims in Bangladesh. In addition, they also provide a venue for religious instruction, social gatherings, and other community activities.

Build a mosque, build a community - secure a place in Jannah

Join us in empowering a worthy cause by building a mosque in a deprived area of the world. Your contributions will not only help in securing a place in Jannah but also provide a center for the community to grow and evolve together. It will serve as a platform to educate people to understand Islam's essence and support future generations. Your noble act of Sadaqah Jariyah, a continuous charity, will unquestionably uplift and enrich numerous individuals' spiritual and moral advancement.

Let us unite our efforts to follow the legacy of our Prophet (ﷺ) and build a mosque in deserving communities. Never underestimate the power of your donation, no matter how small. Together, let us bring a positive change and make a meaningful impact in the lives of our brothers and sisters worldwide.

Calculate how much would you like to doante

Donate for a mosque in Bangladesh starting from as little as £100

Musallah space you want to sponsor

Masjid window you want to sponsor

Shares of masjid building you want to sponsor

£ 0


Sponsor a musallah space for £100

Donate an amount equivalent to the cost of a musallah space

Sponsor a masjid window for £200

Donate an amount equivalent to the cost of a masjid window

Build a masjid for £10,000


Any district in Bangladesh, contact office for details and to making large donation and avoid huge amount in fees


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Donate quickly and securely with Stripe

How it works: A Stripe window will open after you click the 'Donate Now' button where you can securely make your donation. You will then be brought back to this page to view your receipt.

Global Aid Trust

Masjid Building

Donation Total: £100.00

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then drop us a message to register your interest.